Here are some easy-to-follow tornado safety tips

There have been tornado watches and warnings in our communities, so please follow these general tornado safety tips:

  • Pay attention to the emergency alert system in your area, as well as you local news or official social media accounts for updated emergency information.
  • Find shelter immediately, such as a safe and small interior room on the lowest level of your home, apartment, or building.
  • Stay away from windows, doors, and outside walls.
  • Protect yourself by putting materials such as furniture and blankets around or on top of you.

While you’re driving in your vehicle:

  • If the tornado is visible, far away, and the traffic is light, you may be able to drive out of its path by moving at right angles to the tornado.
  • If you are caught by extreme winds or flying debris, park the car as quickly and safely as possible out of traffic lanes.
  • Stay in the car with the seatbelt on. Put your head down below the windows; cover your head with your hands and a blanket, coat, or cushion if possible.
  • If you can safely get noticeably lower than the level of the roadway, leave your car and lie in that area, covering your head with your hands.
  • Avoid seeking shelter under an overpass or bridge, which can create deadly traffic hazards while offering little protection against flying debris.