Bush recently released a best-of compilation, Loaded, and they'll embark on a greatest hits tour in the summer. But none of that might have happened if not for Gavin Rossdale's dog Winston.
As Rossdale tells ABC Audio, he got Winston right around the time he ended up starting Bush in the '90s.
"I always attributed Winston to helping me really focus," Rossdale explains. "Because I had him, I couldn't go out as much and I had to be more responsible, come home more regularly. So it really regulated my time."
Rossdale adds that Winston "hated when I went out and would bark and rip up my records, he'd scratch at the door."
"He really helped me focus and become more responsible for my music, ironically," he says.
You can thank Winston as you listen to Loaded, which includes singles such as "Glycerine," "Everything Zen," "Machinehead" and "Swallowed," as well as the new song "Nowhere to Go but Everywhere."
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