STP's Jeff Gutt is "excited" to work on new music: "It's amazing creatively"

Stone Temple Pilots' most recent album is 2020's Perdida, which marked their second effort with frontman Jeff Gutt. Speaking with ABC Audio, Gutt shares that he and the rest of STP are "always writing" fresh material.

"They've gone and done their own things and I've always been writing stuff on my own," Gutt says.

In describing the creative process of working with his bandmates' ideas, Gutt says, "Think of the moment where you get to go and sit down and put on headphones and listen to something for the first time that no one's ever heard that everyone's gonna get to hear eventually."

"But then you have to finish it," he laughs. "It's amazing creatively and very fulfilling to do that."

Gutt notes that he and STP haven't gone through that process for "awhile," which, as he says, "means it's gonna be coming up soon."

"These things accumulate until they have to come out," Gutt says. "You just keep writing and writing and writing until you can't write anymore and you have to start recording and finishing things. So I'm excited to get ... back to that with these guys, for sure."

In the meantime, STP is currently touring while celebrating the 30th anniversary of their 1994 album, Purple. The outing, which is co-headlined by Live, runs into mid-September.