These phrases are considered passive aggressive, experts say stop using them

Things to keep in mind!

According to HuffPost, these are some popular phrases that many of us say but should stop! That’s because they often come off as passive aggressive and can be offensive in conversation.

Here’s the list:

“Good for you.” You can feel the resentment in this one.

“I’m sorry you feel that way.”  A backwards apology that doesn’t create accountability in the person apologizing.

“It’s fine.” Okay, we all know you’re not fine and now EVERYONE is tense.

 “Whatever.”  Instead of saying this, take a point of view and stick to it. “Whatever” only creates confrontation.

“If you say so.”  This is dismissive and not productive to problem solving.

 “You’re just too sensitive.”  Completely invalidates the other persons feelings.

Hope this helps someone be a little more kind today! Read the full article here.